7th/8th Six Person Basketball


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Six Person Basketball Studyguide

1.  Team

        A.  Each team shall play with six players on the court which include: 2 rovers, 2 forwards, and 2 guards.

        B.  Rotation of positions every quarter. (offense to defense to rover)

2.  Timing

        A.  Each game will consist of three 8 minute quarters with continuous running time.

        B.  There will be a minute rest between quarters.

3.  Scoring

         A.  Field goals scored will count 2 points

         B.  Free throws scored shall count 1 point.  

4.  Fouls and Free Throws

          A.  All personal fouls are charged against violator.  After 5 fouls the person is out of the game.

          B.  All fouls during the game with the exception of the last 2 minutes will be taken out of bounds nearest the act of foul.

          C.  Fouls committed in the final 2 minutes of the game will all be considered 2 shot fouls regardless o the type of foul.

          D.  When a technical foul is called on a player or team a designated player on the opposite team will shoot one free throw and his team shall then have the ball out of bounds after the free throw.

5.   Special Regulations

          A.  Each team may never have more than 4 of its players on any one half of the court at any time.  A violation will award the ball out-of-bounds to the other team.

          B.  The 3-second violation rule will not be called in this game.

  History of Basketball:

        James A. Naismith invented basketball in 1891, at Springfield College, Springfield, Massachusetts.  Naismith invented the game for his football players for the long winter months.  They needed a game that could be played in a gym without the use of a stick or a bat.  The basketball could only be moved from one end of the court to another by passing it.  The dribble was to come later.  Naismith’s next problem was scoring.  He decided on 2 peach baskets nailed to a 10 foot balcony, at each end of the court.  The game of basketball was to be a game in which a team of players would move a ball by passing it from player to player and finally would shoot the ball into the basket.  Opponents are to stop the shooting of the ball into the basket without touching the opponent.  Since Mr. Naismith’s physical education class happened to have 18 young men, he decided that there should be 9 players on each team.  Now there are only 5 players on a team.  Even before the first game of basketball was actually played Naismith wrote down a set of 13 rules.  Although many of these rules are changed today basketball is a popular sport for the players and the spectators.

  Terminology of Basketball:

  1. Defense – to interfere with the opposing team’s offense and prevent the team from scorin
  1. Dribble – to bounce the ball on the floor by tapping it with one hand.
  1. Double Dribble – when a person dribbles the ball, stops, then dribbles again without another player handling the ball.
  1. Field Goal – when a player puts the ball through the basket during a basketball game.  Counts either 2 or 3 points.
  1. Foul – is a violation that results in either the opposing team being given possession of the ball or the fouled player shooting a least 1 free throw a maybe 2.  The two types of fouls are: personal and technical.
  1. Free Throw – a shot awarded to the fouled player.  A successful free throw counts 1 point.
  1. Jump Ball – occurs when an official tosses the ball into the air between two opposing players, who try to tap the ball to a teammate.
  1. Offense – the team with the ball.
  1. Pass – throwing the ball to a teammate.
  1. Pivot – is a way of moving while holding on to the ball.  A player may step in any direction with one foot, but he/she must keep the other foot in one spot on the floor.
  1. Rebound – to grab the ball as soon as an unsuccessful shot bounces off the basket or backboard.
  1. Shot – to shoot the ball at the basketball.
  1. Travel – a violation in which a player takes more than one step with the ball without dribbling.