9th/10th Pickleball Study Guide


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Pickleball Studyguide

Pickleball - is a game played like tennis on a badminton court.  it is played with a hardwood paddle and a whiffleball.

Court - the size of the court is 20 feet by 44 feet for both singles and doubles.  The net hangs at 36 inches.

Serve - players must keep one foot behind the serving line when serving.  The serve is made underhand.  The paddle must pass below the waist.  The server must hit the ball in the air on the serve.  They are not allowed to bounce it, then hit the ball. The service is made diagonally across and must land behind the non-volley zone.  Only one serve attempt is allowed.  Both members of each team will serve and fault before the ball is turned over to opposing team.  The player in the right hand court will always start play.  If the ball touches the net on the serve and lands in the proper court, the serve is done over.

Volley - to volley a ball means to hit it in the air without first letting it bounce.  All volleying must be done with player's feet behind the non-volley zone line.  It is a fault if the player steps over the line on their follow through.

Fault - 1)  Hitting the ball out of bounds (on the line is considered good0

           2)  Not clearing the net

           3)  Stepping into the non-volley zone

           4)  Volleying the ball before it has bounced once on each side

Scoring - a team shall score only when serving.  The game is played to 11 points; however a team must win by 2 points.

History - Pickleball was created during the summer of 1965 on Bainbridge Island.  The original purpose was to provide a game for the entire family.  It has been played in backyards on hard surfaces, on driveways, and on residential dead end streets.  Pickleball has expanded to a net court sport and is being played in schools, recreation centers, health clubs, and fitness centers.