Class Rules:

Physical Education Rules & Requirements For Middle/High School Students

The following rules and regulations are the guidelines for the requirements of the Physical Education Department.  It is the student's responsibility to read and know the following rules.


*All students must participate in all activities during the P.E. period.

* The students must change into clean gym clothes.

* Students must have gym shoes, clean socks, tee shirts, shorts and a pair of sweats for cold days. (Athletic Supporters required 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th)

* Students will not be allowed to participate if he/she does not change clothes or have correct shoes.

* Any student wishing to have personal items, such as deodorant, soap, comb, and foot powder is responsible for keeping those items in his/her locker.

* No class containers of any kind is allowed in the locker room.

* All students must have a clean towel and take a shower when asked.  It is impo

* For a student to get out of class they must have a written excuse or phone call from a parent or guardian.

* If missing two or more consecutive P.E. days the written excuse must be from a doctor.

* A student without a medical excuse or parental excuse will be given a 30 minute detention for not changing that day.

Locker Room:

* Each student is assigned a lock and a small individual locker compartment for physical education class.

* No exchange of locks or lockers between students will be permitted without special permission from the instructor.

* Students should keep lockers locked at all times and not tell anyone the locker combination.

* Students will show care and respect for locks and lockers and will avoid  slamming locker doors.

* While in the locker room, students will avoid whistling, yelling, singing, slamming lockers, or loitering.

* Students will avoid all forms of "horseplay."

* It's important that gym clothes and towels be taken home frequently and be washed for your own health protection and the protection of others.

* Students will be given approximately 5 minutes to change into gym clothes and exit the locker room.

Conduct In The Activity Areas:

* Gum, candy, drink, or food items are not permitted in the locker room or activity areas.

* It is expected that all students will be respectful, courteous, and cooperative with Mr. Keyes/Mrs. Fargen and their classmates.

* Absolutely no swearing, vulgar language, or fighting in P.E. class.

* Accidents and injuries should be reported to the physical education instructor immediately.

* Proper care and use of equipment is essential.

* All equipment will be returned promptly after usage.

* Students need instructors permission to enter equipment rooms and the offices.

* All students will be responsible to be in their proper rows before class begins.

* All jewelry and money should be left in your locker during class time.

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